At The Denture Studio we provide our patients with different types of dentures or false teeth, so we can recommend the best solution for your individual needs.

The different types of dentures or false teeth we provide include:

False Teeth - Dentures Nuneaton

The process we use at The Denture Studio to provide you with copy dentures, allows us to reproduce the good features of your existing dentures, such as tooth position whilst improving other aspects such as the fit of your denture. The advantages of copy dentures as replacement dentures are:

  • A good choice for elderly patients who might find it very difficult getting used to new dentures
  • New Dentures can easily be provided for housebound patients with our Dentures At Home Service
  • Cost effective spare set of dentures
  • With copy dentures we can still give you our True to Life Dentures makeover

Flexible partial dentures adapt around the shape of your teeth and gums and often does not require any type of clasp to stay firmly in place.  They can be used when it is difficult or impossible for a patient to use plastic dentures or light alloy dentures.

This type of denture is supported by and attached to dental implants, whereas normally your denture rests on your gums. The advantages of Denture Implants are:

  • Choose from a wider choice of food with a more varied diet for healthier living.
  • No more loose dentures.
  • No more painful rubbing of your dentures on your gums.

» Same Day Teeth Fixed Teeth

We are also now able to change your dentures into Same Day Teeth Fixed Teeth using All-on-4™ Dental Implants.The advantages of using All-on-4™ Dental Implants are:

  • Same Day Teeth Fixed Teeth which do not feel loose.
  • No need to stop eating your favourite foods.
  • Choose from a wider choice of food with a more varied diet for healthier living.
  • No more loose dentures.
  • No more painful rubbing of your dentures on your gums.
  • No compromise on tasting any food or drink, as your full upper arch of Same Day Teeth Fixed Teeth does not cover the roof of your mouth. 
  • Many people who have been previously told they were not suitable for dental implants have been successfully treated using this method.
  • Requires minimal recovery time; you can be back to work the next day.
  • Ensures long term results with the potential to last a lifetime.
  • Your Same Day Teeth Fixed Teeth can be cleaned like natural teeth and they will look and feel just like natural teeth too.
  • They can often be fitted in just one day.

Full dentures (complete dentures) replace all of the lost natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. Complete dentures don’t just replace the loss of natural teeth; they also give your face the vital support it needs especially in the areas around your mouth, lips and cheeks. Without this vital support, sagging facial muscles and sunken features make you appear older.

With over 20 years experience in the making of full dentures (complete dentures), we have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with new dentures so you can eat, smile and talk with confidence.

We know how important your appearance and your smile is to you and with our True to Life Dentures makeover we will hand craft your full dentures (complete dentures) to provide you with a beautiful smile and a natural appearance. We set your new denture teeth where your natural ones once existed, giving vital support for your lips and cheeks. This ensures your new dentures will look exactly like natural teeth not false teeth.

Immediate Dentures are fitted at the time your natural teeth are extracted.  It takes approximately 3 months for your bone and gum tissue to heal after your natural teeth have been extracted.

Once your bone and gums have healed, they will have changed shape and because of this you will need either your immediate dentures relined or a new denture. Usually an immediate denture is a temporary solution and new dentures are the best option for you once all your healing has taken place. However, we will assess what is best for you on an individual basis during our denture consultation allowing you to choose the best solution for your lifestyle and budget.

At The Denture Studio you can have light alloy dentures (chrome dentures) when you have either partial dentures or full dentures. These light alloy partial dentures are an alternative to the usual pink plastic partial dentures and are made of a mix of pink plastic and light alloy metal.

The metal used to make light alloy dentures has been tested over many years to make sure it's biocompatible with your mouth and the metal used is Cobalt-chrome (Co-Cr).

The advantages of these light alloy dentures are:

  • They are less bulky
  • Better for your overall oral hygiene
  • Lighter yet stronger
  • In some dental patients we can uncover the roof of your mouth
  • Feel more comfortable in your mouth

Light alloy partial dentures are designed to be hygienic and offer less tissue coverage, which increases oral sensitivity and taste. Your light alloy dentures will be retained with metal clasps or resin clasps that will match the colour of your natural teeth.

We can discuss with you on an individual basis as to whether light alloy dentures are suitable for you.

Partial Dentures or Part Dentures replace any of your missing natural teeth in either the upper or lower jaw, when you have lost some but not all of your natural teeth. It may be fastened to your natural teeth with metal clasps or precision attachments. The advantage of having partial dentures are:

  • Improves your smile
  • Helps prevent neighbouring teeth from moving out of position
  • Improves your speech
  • Making eating easier and more comfortable

They can be made entirely from plastic or from a mixture of plastic and light alloy metal. These light alloy dentures are generally more comfortable to wear than their all plastic equivalents and also have the added advantages of being less bulky and are better for your overall oral hygiene.

As a Clinical Dental Technician with over 20 years experience in providing patients with partial dentures, we will blend your partial denture in with your natural teeth so your new dentures will look like your own natural teeth and not false teeth. We will use the same colours and shapes to match the natural teeth you have remaining.


Studio Address

We are located behind Nuneaton bus station.

The Denture Studio, Ground Floor, 1 Bond Street, Nuneaton CV11 4DA